Michelle Culbertson "Be Still My Soul" CD


Michelle Culbertson "Be Still My Soul" CD

Sale Price:$9.99 Original Price:$11.99

A beautiful collection of classic hymns sung by Michelle with piano & arrangements by Brian Culbertson and cello by David Low.

Song Listing:

  1. Holy, Holy, Holy

  2. How Great Thou Art

  3. Be Thou My Vision

  4. Immortal, Invisible

  5. Can’t Remember The Rain (original)

  6. Amazing Grace

  7. There Is A Balm In Gilead

  8. Faith of Our Fathers

  9. Jesus Loves Me

  10. In The Garden

  11. Beautiful Isle of Somewhere

  12. Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring

  13. Be Still, My Soul

  14. His Eye Is On The Sparrow

  15. In The Garden (Michelle age 6)

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